The online NPI-Certified Goniometry Specialist™ (NPI-CGS) Certificate Program is designed for personal trainers, group exercise instructors (Aerobic/Strength/TRX/Pilates/Yoga etc…), athletic trainers, allied medical professionals (physical therapists/chiropractors) interested in learning a detailed process to assess their clients/patients joint and muscular range of motion (ROM) using a Goniometer. The program will teach you how to analyze and assess an individual utilizing a goniometer as a measuring, evaluation, and assessment tool. Whether you are a fitness/health professional or a college student taking an assessment or kinesiology course; learn how to perform and conduct goniometry assessments!
Certificate Objectives:
Certified Goniometry Specialist (CGSC) Certificate (NPI, USA)
- Model No: NPI-CGS
- Availability: In Stock
₹ 22,600
Tags: online NPI-Certified Goniometry Specialist™ (NPI-CGS) Certificate Program